Central Receiver Systems

Central Receiver Systems (CRS)

Central Receiver Systems (CRS)

Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use established technology that is readily available. In comparison with photovoltaic systems, CSP plants have the advantage of using stored thermal energy so the production profile can match the demand profile.

In order to commercially compete with photovoltaic systems, CSP plants must be optimally designed. For this purpose IPSEpro performance models have enormous value.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use established technology that is readily available. In comparison with photovoltaic systems, CSP plants have the advantage of using stored thermal energy so the production profile can match the demand profile.

In order to commercially compete with photovoltaic systems, CSP plants must be optimally designed. For this purpose IPSEpro performance models have enormous value.

Central Receiver Systems (CRS) Applications

For modeling central receiver CSP plants with IPSEpro the following modules are commonly used:
Other modules of interest are:

Central Receiver Systems (CRS) Applications

For modeling central receiver CSP plants with IPSEpro the following modules are commonly used:
Other modules of interest are:
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