Desal_Lib: Desalination

Desalination (Desal_Lib)

Desalination (Desal_Lib)

Over the last few decades seawater desalination has become an important source for potable water for many arid regions. Using the desalination process library, the full range of IPSEpro’s capabilities can be applied to the field of seawater desalination system design and optimization.
Over the last few decades seawater desalination has become an important source for potable water for many arid regions. Using the desalination process library, the full range of IPSEpro’s capabilities can be applied to the field of seawater desalination system design and optimization.
The desalination process library supports the following water desalination technologies:

MSF – multi-stage flash
MED – multi-effect distillation
MVC – mechanical vapor compression
TVC – thermal vapor compression
RO – reverse osmosis

Seawater desalination processes typically use the heat from thermal power processes. The desalination library can be used in combination with the respective IPSEpro libraries:
This makes it possible to easily create models of dual-purpose plants and hybrid plants.
The desalination process library supports the following water desalination technologies:

MSF – multi-stage flash
MED – multi-effect distillation
MVC – mechanical vapor compression
TVC – thermal vapor compression
RO – reverse osmosis

Seawater desalination processes typically use the heat from thermal power processes. The desalination library can be used in combination with the respective IPSEpro libraries:
This makes it possible to easily create models of dual-purpose plants and hybrid plants.
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