Combined-Cycles typically refer to gas turbines coupled to a heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) to generate steam from the turbine exhaust gas. The steam then generates power by expanding through a steam turbine.
Conventional steam power plants are generally fired by coal or biomass. The most complex equipment models are typically the boilers, steam turbines and condensers.
Industrial and cogeneration processes refer to systems where the primary process outputs are not restricted to electrical generation. Steam is often exported from cogen plants for use in industrial processes.
Pulp and paper application areas supported by IPSEpro process modeling include Kraft recovery processes, specifically the recovery boilers, evaporator/concentrator trains, and brown stock washers.
IPSEpro process modeling is used to support the design and analysis of thermal desalination plants as well as reverse-osmosis facilities.
IPSEpro is often used to model flash and dry steam geothermal plants, and an advanced IPSEpro library has been developed for FCRC plants (flash-crystallizer/reactor-clarifier) as found in the Salton Sea region of California.
IPSEpro has been used for over twenty years to aid in the design and anlaysis of concentrating solar power plants (CSP), including parabolic trough (PTC) and central receiver systems (CRS).
Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) are often used for low- and medium-temperature heat recovery applications, sometimes as bottoming cycles for traditional Rankine steam cycles. IPSEpro supports a wide range of ORC fluids.
Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) plants are sometimes used for low- and medium-temperature heat recovery applications, and sCO2 technology is being evaluated as the working fluid for solar thermal applications.
Power plants based on ammonia-water mixtures are generally referred to as Kalina Cycles. The modeling of Kalina cycles is difficult due to the complex property methods needed, and an IPSEpro library has been developed to support this.
Refrigeration processes can be modeled using the IPSEpro software, including a wide variety of pure refrigerants as well as various refrigerant mixtures.
IPSEpro has been used for many years to model various biomass-fired processes, including biomass combustion, pyrolysis and gasification technologies.
Research-grade model libraries have been developed for IPSEpro to support the modeling of advanced solid-fuel technologies, including IGCC and PFBC (Pressurized-Fluidized-Bed Combustion) technologies.
IPSEpro with EPP_Lib is well suited for detailed modeling of nuclear BOP systems (steam cycles).
Due to the wide variety of IPSEpro model libraries already available, and the abilty to combine and customize model libraries with the IPSEpro MDK, IPSEpro is well suited for modeling new advanced energy technologies.
With the IPSEpro PSDynamics extension modules, IPSEpro can be used to model dynamic systems. Dynamic modeling with IPSEpro is well suited for engineering analysis of transients such as plant start-up, shut-down and load-following.